Focus on what you can control; Have something to look forward to

My friend recently gave the title of this post as sound advice during a Thanksgiving party. Focus not on the craziness of life, because bad things happen and you can’t always stop bad things from happening. You definitely cannot control the past, you can’t control other people, and you can’t control every circumstance you fall in.
Focus instead on what you can control. The future, yourself, and your actions to put yourself into better circumstances.

I’m not sure my friend realizes this, but he gave me this advice before, a long time ago when I was getting divorced.

He told me to make a list, set small goals. Life was spiraling out of control, then, and I did what he suggested. I went to the FedEx store and bought 3 white chocolate KitKat Bars and moving boxes. My goal was to pack. That was my only goal. Packing was what I could control that day, and so I did that.

My life is MUCH better now, haha. I’m at a new point in which I want to push myself in new directions, but I am in control.

So the rest of this post is about the second half of his advice: Have something to look forward to. I’ve made a list of fun things for me to look forward to in the next year. Many are things I did this past year, which I want to do again, others are fun events like movies and video games releasing on the dates.

And my list does make me feel hopeful. There’s a lot of fun upcoming!

Things to look forward to in 2017 (updated as more comes):

Holidays and Days Off
Video Games
Movies and TV
Cool Events


12        Switch Direct 
13        Snow Day
16        MLK Day
21        Women's March on Washington


5          Superbowl
20        Presidents’ Day
28        Horizon: Zero Dawn


3          Nintendo Switch
6          Pulaski Day
21        Mass Effect: Andromeda 
28        Fantastic Beasts Bluray


7          PRIME 24/Hour New Play Festival
9          Wizard World Comic Con
8          Spring Break
11        Yooka-Laylee


29        Memorial Day
            Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales


2          SOHO Music Festival
13-15   E3 Expo
25        Game of Thrones Returns


4          Independence Day


5 & 6   Pixelpop Game Festival
12        Missouri Games Con
20        Opening of Halloween Stores


Renaissance Festival
Strange Folk Festival
4          Labor Day
8          It Remake
22        Autumn
            Red Dead Redemption 2 (sometime in autumn)
25        My Birthday
29        Archon – sci fi con


31        Halloween


11        Veteran’s Day
16        Fantastic Beasts 2
23        Thanksgiving
            Macy’s Parade


6          St. Nick’s Day
15        Star Wars Episode 8
24        Christmas Eve
25        Christmas Day
31        New Year’s Eve

Without known dates:

secret thing
Snow Days
ending this post with a pic of me (from the other day) next to something I'm NOT looking forward to

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