20 $%&#ing 20

This year....

The worst year for America--perhaps the planet--in my entire lifetime. 


Personally, I have been OK. I have an excellent, wonderful, beautiful, hilarious, perfect girlfriend. My job remained in tact, and I've been given new responsibilities (doing the artistic direction for a performing arts school, pretty cool!). That is a blessing, and I don't discount that I work in the arts and maintained a full-time job. I had a major virtual show, which was amazing. Earlier this year, I had a very big challenge at work, though. Man, it was hard.

Members of my family had COVID-19, but no deaths. No friends lost. Blessings. I got my teeth fixed. My teeth also pain me a lot. I guess, I made progress. I can smile in public now, anyway. I definitely gained weight during the pandemic. 2021 needs to be the year that changes me.

My art moved a lot after the pandemic first hit. When we were forced to stay home, I used any free time I had to work on my novel, do edits. After the summer, my art slowed down, as my work took over again. My work is art, though. I guess it all works out. 

Maybe the worst part of 2020 (...in my little, insignificant cutout of the world...) was cancelling my road trip to Disney World and Harry Potter World. That was a bummer. 

Good things that kept me going in 2020:

Dungeons and Dragons with friends. 

Playing Jackbox Games with my Discord Server.

Poker with my girl.

My girlfriend.

I went on a New Year's hike with Gabe and his mom. That was on Jan 1. A good workout!!



I bought a VR headset. Perfect timing. Can't go anywhere? Well, now you can go anywhere in VR. I played a ton of Skyrim, No Man's Sky, and other games. 

Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing. 

I upgraded my phone. My old one died.


Beats me. I have no idea what next year will be like. Hard to guess. More pandemic fallout, for sure. I hope the vaccine comes quick, and that the world gets back to normal.

I want to go to conventions again. I want shopping at nerdy stores to be fun again, and not a germ-atorium. I miss being out and about. I guess, all in all, I just want to create more art in the new year. I want to see students back in schools (when it is SAFE for them and staff). I want to create more. I want to reschedule a Disney trip. I have secret plans, too. :-D 

Stay safe, ya'll. SEE?!? you in the New Year! 

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